Each statement below has a blank space to fit one of the word(s) or phrase(s) in the list below. Choose the most appropriate option
A. DMA, B. Ready queue, C. Instruction Set Processor, D. Program-controlled I/O, E. Segments, F. Pages, G. Memory manager, H. Process Identifier, I. Logical address, J. Zombie, K. Dead, L. Block, M. Wakeup
ISP stands for __________.
The program is divided into operable parts called as __________.
The method of accessing the I/O devices by repeatedly checking the status flags is __________.
The binary address issued to data or instructions are called as __________.
The method which offers higher speeds of I/O transfers is __________.
The processes that are residing in main memory and are ready and waiting to execute are kept on a list called __________.
The __________ swaps processes in and out of the memory.
In UNIX, each process is identified by its __________.
The only state transition that is initiated by the user process itself is __________.
The child process completes execution, but the parent keeps executing, then the child process is known as __________.