Data types are a description of what kind of data is that we are dealing with. In every programming language, data type has a significance. In python, we have following core data types:
Since numbers are of many possible types, python offers following number data types:
Integers: Integers are simple whole numbers. The keyword that we write for defining integers is just int but it can handle both the positive and negative numbers.
Booleans: A Boolean value is a representation of TRUE or FALSE values. a zero (0) represents FALSE and a one (1) represents TRUE. Booleans are often considered as a subtype of integers in python.
Floating Values: A floating value is any number that has some integer part and some fractional part. The size of float values differ machine to machine due to architecture differences.
All these are valid lists.
All these are valid tuples.
All these are valid dictionaries.
NOTE: Out of these datatypes, numbers (integers, floats and Booleans), strings and tuples are called immutable datatypes because their data cannot be changed in place once assigned. Rather lists and dictionaries are called mutable.