In W3.CSS,
W3.CSS stylizes fonts in a tall, thin character design which looks great as in a contemporary fashion.
Here, we can see the tall and relatively thin design of Verdana font. It is different from the regular HTML headings.
In W3.CSS, font sizes are controlled by w3-size class. The size parameters are :
India is a great country.
India is a great country.
India is a great country.
India is a great country.
The classes w3-xlarge, w3-xxlarge, w3-xxxlarge and w3-jumbo are used to create extra large fonts.
Besides all the classes W3.CSS lets the programmer use customized CSS code to override the existing classes.
For ex: By default, <h1> has a size of 36px. But using the customized CSS code- h1{font-size:64px;}
can extend the size of <h1> to 64px.
While overriding W3.CSS classes, it must be kept in mind that- The overriding CSS code must be written after the line:
This is because, HTML codes are interpreted line by line. When the last style is actual CSS, it overrides the classes written in w3.css.