These networks are made up of two types of computers. Some are Clients whereas some are Servers. Clients are those PCs that are designed to make requests for the data they want to get. On the other side, Servers are those PCs that are designed to reply to the requests of clients thereby serving them the data they wanted to get.
Working of CS Network: Every server is designed to entertain a certain sort of client requests. A client that wants to get some data from the server first makes a server connection request. This request may be rejected by the server if it is working on its limits. However if the request is entertained, the server asks for the authorization data viz. log-in/password etc. Once logged in, the client can ask for data and the server will provide that. Finally the connection can be terminated whenever a request for termination is sent from the client to the server.
In these networks there is no any difference among PCs. All PCs enjoy same privilege and hence there is no any client or server. Instead, All PCs are collectively called Peers.
Working of P2P Network: P2P networks are arranged in an order very similar to a mesh topology network. In these networks, storage is decentralized. Every peer has some data. CIS is a system that maintains the database of which peer has what data.
Whenever any peer wants some data, it asks from CIS. CIS provides the information of the peer having that data. Once the asking peer gets to know about which peer has that data, it uses its direct link to connect with that peer and gets the relevant data.