Forms are another very important element of HTML. We often create a form in our web pages either as an enquiry form or as an enrolment form or as a feedback form or whatever. A simple form is created in the following way:
Following are the components of forms that we create in HTML:
Folowwing is the diagram showing all these form components:
Textbox: Textbox is a simple input tool that collects the text. It can be used for name, father’s name, mother’s name, address etc.
Here, <label>Enter your name<label> is the label. <input> is the tag and type is the attribute of <input> tag. Some other attributes are as under-
NOTE: If attribute value is used, readonly is a must in order to avoid any further inputs.
Radio Button: Radio buttons are created to restrict user to choose only one option out of many. For example- Gender.
Here, <label>Male<label>, <label>Female<label> and <label>Transgender<label> are the labels. <input> is the tag and-
Checkbox: Checkboxes allow user to choose many out of many options given in the form. For example- Hobbies.
Here, <label>Playing<label>, <label>Singing<label> and <label>Dancing<label> are the labels. <input> is the tag and-
Date box: Date box is created to allow user to input a specific date. For example- Date of birth.
Here, <label>Date of Birth<label> is the label. <input> is the tag and-
Drop-down Menu: Drop-down menus are created to allow the user to select one single choice from a lot of options. For example- states in a country or districts in a state.
Here, <label>Nationality</label> is the label. <select> is the tag for creating a drop-down and <option> is the tag for creating list items.
Text area: Text area is an important form component that lets the user input large text. For example- user’s feedback etc.
Here, <label>Your feedback</label>, <textarea> is the tag for creating a larger textbox. rows is the attribute for defining the height and cols is the attribute for defining width.
NOTE: Unlike of <input> tag, <textarea> is a container tag, hence it must be closed.
Buttons: Buttons are created as the final component of any form. A button lets the user trigger some events like submission of data, upload/download or any kind of alert/message.
Here there is no any label. <input> is the tag and type is the attribute for defining that the input component is a button. value is another attribute that defines the name of button.
Action attribute in <form>: Since every form element is packed inside of <form> . . . </form> container, we use an attribute action to tell the form what to do once the submit button is pressed.